Thursday, 26 May 2011

Booze, Blood and BIG Close-Ups.

So it's in the can!

It was tough. At least, a lot tougher than we thought it was going to be. Days stretched much longer than we promised our tireless cast and crew. It was a cramped three days shooting in the house and a hectic few hours shooting in the bar but everyone kept positive and focussed and just generally performed magnificently so a HUGE thank you to everyone involved. I would be delighted to work with every single one of you again!

We got a whopping 3 hours of footage (a quite ridiculous 18:1 shot ratio) which means we have equipped Chris with a plethora of options when it comes to carving a story out of our mountain of footage. Speaking of which, news is that he is making good headway on the first draft, which should be done shortly. Once that first draft is done, Joel can get cracking on the score and Jack on the sound design whilst Chris and I continue to refine the edit. We are looking towards mid-July for having it finished but will of course keep updates coming.

And having had a look at the rushes, I'm really excited with what we got - it sounds and looks great, the performances are fantastic, design and make-up superb. So everyone's hard work is definitely evident in the rushes. Now we just have to make sure our cutting, sounding and scoring of them crafts a worthy finished product!

I am hoping to arrange a cast, crew and friends screening down in Brighton when it is done. And due to not everyone being able to attend the post shoot drinks, we'll turn this screening into a much belated wrap party!

Lastly, the Production Stills Flickr photostream has been updated and for high-res versions head over to this Gallery. Also check out this still for your viewing pleasure...